What is Citizen journalism?
“Citizen Journalism ‘’, Jo McEntire and Jessica Williams
Article summary

Citizen journalism is rapidly emerging as an invaluable part of delivering the news. With the expansion of the Web and the ever-decreasing size and cost of camera phones and video cameras, the ability to commit acts of journalism is spreading to everyone.
Arianna Huffington
In the article “Citizen Journalism ‘’, Jo McEntire and Jessica Williams explain that news media has changed over a period. News media has provided us a chance to become bloggers and citizen journalists. Before citizen journalism, news media were not accurate because of professional journalists’ decisions. If they thought that the news was not worthwhile to read, it was attractive. Then, they would ignore the news. Thirdly, Traditional news media also depend on citizen journalism. a group of gunmen assaulted the Indian city of Mumbai. Indeed, they suspended numerous buildings and killed about 150 people. Nonetheless, people publish ongoing situations on Twitter and YouTube immediately.
Furthermore, Being powerful in “In Citizen Journalism” has the problem of accuracy. Because everyone can be a reporter. Sometimes traditional journalism and media depend on citizen journalism. In 2008, an Indian city was attacked at the same time as many people were publishing reports on Twitter and Youtube. Besides this moment, CNN iReport published untrue news about Steve Jobs`s accident health issue. Because of untrue news, a company lost 10 percent of its value.
In conclusion, Citizen journalism is the most significant change in history. As a result of changes, most of the traditional news publishing organizations moved to websites instead of printing pages because of loss. Citizen journalism and social media brought opportunities for either businesses or people.